my vim setup

Lately a friend saw me working on VIM and he was really impressed. In this post I will blather a little about VIM and then I will share with you my .vimrc.

The thing about VIM is that when you learn the basics and get used to it, you can’t go back, really! I started working with VIM about 3 years ago and in that time I use it for everything: programming, mail writing, configurations… I mean, anything that is text I edit it with VIM. Sometimes I have to work on dreaded technologies (I’m looking at you visual studio) and I always find myself complaining about how hard is to edit things. Some people say that VIM is a difficult text editor, but really, you can get the basics in 30 minutes and then it is just a matter of practice. Here’s a picture about the dreaded VIM learning curve, I don’t know the guy who did this but he was up to something.

vim learning curve

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